This post will highlight a long awaited feature, which is now available in vCloud Director 9.0. We will depict how to enforce the placement of the NSX Edge Gateways in a resource pool, which ultimately leverages a specific vSphere Cluster. It avoids having to spread all External VLANs across every Compute Cluster and enforce all the traffic connecting to the outside world would go through a specific location. (Cluster/TOR/Racks) In the previous versions of vCloud Director, one thing we couldn’t accomplish easily was to ensure all N/S traffic from the NSX VXLAN overlay to the physical underlay/networks, which is usually VLAN Based AND at the same time keep the compute workloads VMs seperated as depicted in the vCAT-SP - Architecting a vCloud Director Solution / NSX Edge Cluster Design options

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Timo Sugliani

Enthusiast French Cloud Dude
This blog is my personal one and in no way represents the opinions of my employer.

Global Cloud Architect @ VMware
